1. Skin whitening
Spotless face in a single session
Remove freckles, moles, small pigmentations
IPL / Alexadrite / ND:YAG / CO2 Laser treatment
Price from KRW330,000+ ($300)
2. Acne Scar removal "PiCES"
Extensive combination treatment program;
INFINI Laser (Micro Needle Radiofrequency machine)
PRP (Platelet rich plasma) therapy
Compressed CO2 gas dissection of scar tissue
PDRN therapy
Hyaluronic acid to fill up depressed scar tissue
Little downtime. Some redness for the day.
Combination treatment price: KRW 1,100,000
2. Acne Scar removal "PiCES"
Extensive combination treatment program;
INFINI Laser (Micro Needle Radiofrequency machine)
PRP (Platelet rich plasma) therapy
Compressed CO2 gas dissection of scar tissue
PDRN therapy
Hyaluronic acid to fill up depressed scar tissue
Little downtime. Some redness for the day.
Combination treatment price: KRW 1,100,000
3. Treatment price
Laser sessions
IPL: KRW330,000
FRAXEL Laser: KRW330,000
Alexandrite Laser: KRW330,000
INFINI Laser (Micro Needle Radiofrequency machine): KRW550,000
Q-Swiched ND:YAG (Laser toning) + SPRING (Vitamin): KRW330,000
Allegro Laser (1450nm - Sebum reduction): KRW330,000
PRP (Platelet rich plasma) therapy: KRW330,000
CROS (Compressed CO2 subcision of scar tissue): KRW330,000
PDRN injections: KRW330,000